
With PG Online’s latest addition of Augmented Reality

Imagine GCSE revision books that were truly inspiring and a joy to read.

Where your students excitedly opened their books to enjoy beautifully designed pages rich with engaging illustrations, exam style questions and revision techniques.

Now imagine if that expertly compiled content was brought to life through Augmented Reality; your class scanning pages with their phones, and interacting with 3D graphics, videos and sound to further solidify their understanding of key topics.

Welcome to the UK’s first Augmented Reality Revision Guides, from the multi award-winning PG Online.


“The addition of AR functionality offers a modern, alternative tool to enrich our printed books in a way that increases students’ engagement in learning. We are delighted to be the first UK publisher of revision guides to offer this new and exciting functionality.”

Rob Heathcote, Director of PG Online

Why Augmented Reality?

Whether watching valves open and close on a 3D heart, viewing chemical formulas as interactive 3D ball and stick models, or navigating the different layers of Earth as they float above a page, the Augmented Reality addition to ClearRevise revision books is sure to enthrall, inspire, and excite your students as they revise for their exams next year.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Educational Environments

According to research by Diegmann, Schmidt-Kraepelin, Eynden and Basten (Benefits of Augmented Reality in Educational Environments - A Systematic Literature Review, 2015*), there are a number of evidenced benefits when using AR technology to enhance teaching and learning.

  • Increased Motivation
  • Increased Attention
  • Increased Concentration
  • Increased Satisfaction
  • Increased Details
  • Increased Information Accessibility
  • Improved Memory

The addition of Augmented Reality technology allows students to access a deeper level of understanding of key topics, with experiences that are rich in content and highly memorable - both incredibly important when revising for exams or learning new concepts.

You can try it out for yourself, for free, just complete the form below, download the free app, and point your phone or iPad to a sample page we’ll send right over!
*Report link

How can I try the
Augmented Reality GCSE Revision Guides for free?

Step 1

Fill in the form below to receive your free sample revision guide

Step 2

Download the free app
(available on iOs and Android)

Step 3

Hold your phone above the sample revision guide, and watch as key concepts come to life in front of your eyes

Try Augment Reality GCSE Revision yourself,
download a free sample today!

Send My Sample icon